Debian Usb Install No Kernel Modules Were Found
Assuming you have a machine that is connected to the internet, and that apt is properly configured on your squeeze machine, you can do e.g. Apt-get install --print-uris linux-image-2.6.32 which will give you a list of urls for packages to install. Then you can use another machine to download them. On my machine, for example, this list starts with 'linux-image-2.6.32-5-486_2.6.32-39_i386.deb 27475516 MD5Sum:be5608eefba4b71abde8da Then you can download the packages on another machine by doing (for example) wget -c Then copy them to your Debian machine.
Then do dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.32-5-486_2.6.32-39_i386.deb pkg2. Compaq 510 Drivers Windows 7 Ultimate. deb pkg3.deb. You need to give all the package files as arguments.
If you see errors, try running this command again. Sometimes dpkg, when called with a list of packages which are dependent on each other, has trouble with dependency resolution. If it still doesn't work, try apt-get -f install which will try to resolve your dependencies. An alternative is gdebi apt-cache show gdebi Description: Simple tool to install deb files - GNOME GUI gdebi lets you install local deb packages resolving and installing its dependencies. Apt does the same, but only for remote (http, ftp) located packages.
This is a guide to install Debian Linux on: NETGEAR. The system will be running from a USB stick, so system- and data-drives are not. No kernel modules were found. Installation failure: No kernel modules were found. Parsing /proc/bus/usb/devices. Found ISO./debian-testing-i386-businesscard.iso on /dev/sdb.
It sounds like you need a more recent version of the kernel than what's in Debian squeeze. The easiest thing to try is the kernel from the. The kernel is in a package called linux-image-$VERSION-$FLAVOR. Best Hd Player For Pc here. Pick the flavor from what you already have (e.g. 686 or 686-bigmem or amd64 or and get the most recent version you can find.
The currently have version 2.6.39. If that's recent enough for you, download the.deb file from the website and copy it to your machine however you like (e.g. On a USB stick). Also grab every package that's listed as a dependency; you'll need the package containing the actual kernel file (not just the linux-image-2.6- metapackage) and updated, and possibly more recent and other as well.