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How To Install Geoserver On Apache Tomcat

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How To Install Geoserver On Apache TomcatHow To Install Geoserver On Apache Tomcat

Jul 11, 2010 Install GeoServer in 10 min. Install Geoserver in 7 min. With Apache Tomcat. Installing Mapserver/Apache with MS4W on Windows + pMapper. I am playing around GeoServer and I have a Apache HTTP Server I want to put GeoServer on my Apache HTTP Server, but we can only download a WAR file of GeoServer for.

I have recently managed (not without effort) to install tomcat 8 on a Debian 8.1 distant server. Railroad Tycoon 2 Platinum Patch. My goal is to run a webapp called on that tomcat server. So in my /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps directory, I created a new directory called geoserver/, and in that directory I uploaded the.war file called geoserver.war.

Reed Reznicek Perfect Game. Then I went in /var/lib/tomcat8/conf (which is actually a symbolic link that redirects me to /etc/tomcat8 and edited the tomcat-users.xml file, adding between the tags the following: Which grants me access to the tomcat webapps manager and host-manager. In the manager, I deployed my geoserver.war file, by giving the context path and other required URLs. And after that, I can see in my apps list that /geoserver is successfully running.

But when I try to actually connect to the geoserver page (at MY_SERVER_IP:8080/geoserver), in order to work on it, I get a 404 error, saying that the requested resource ( /geoserver) isn't available. For the record, other webapps, provided by default, such as /examples, work perfectly well.

I couldn't find the answer to my problem on the internet, which is why I come here to ask if anyone knows how to solve my issue. I hope my question isn't too off-topic for stackoverflow, if it is just let me know and I will post it on another website instead. Thanks in advance and have a good week-end! EDIT: Here is what gets written in the catalina.out file when I try to start the geoserver in my tomcat webapps manager. 24, 2017 5:32:55 AM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log INFOS: No Spring WebApplicationInitializer types detected on classpath The following part is, for some reason, repeated 5 times. Thanks a lot for your answer. I actually found out myself that my geoserver.war file was at the wrong place, and moved it to the /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps directory.

However, it still isn't working, so I'll try to answer your checklist: 1. I ran netstat -anb in my Windows command prompt, and didn't find anything using port 8080 in the output 3. I was actually trying to google the errors that I get in that file, I'll edit my question with that, you will most likely interprete that much better than me 5. This file doesn't exist on my server. Should I create it? – Apr 24 '17 at 9:42 •.