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Geosat 6 Update. Ho trovato questo IV. HOW TO UPDATE THE CONFIGURATION FILE ---------------------------------------- The supported router's models are reported in the magic number's list file (default: config.lst). You can upgrade easly the your own list with information found on internet. The string format for each Access Point's model il the following: 'MODEL,SERIAL_PART_ONE,K CONSTANT,Q CONSTANT' Example: '93X,6918366,AA2F3C'; 93X = All router's models that begin with 93. 69101 = A part of the serial number. 13 = The K constant for this router's model. 92398366 = The Q constant for this router's model.
AA2F3C = The first 3 bytes of the MAC Address Ethernet The list style has been found on internet (www. Telecharger Archicad 12 Avec Crack more. gibit.net). You can replace the content of the config.lst to update the magic numbers's list. Ma se non ho le info per accedere al router, come faccio?