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Installing 7,0/10 5547reviews

I am moving a simple.NET application from 32-bit windows to 64-bit windows. I already had a lot of fun setting up my connection to Oracle after installing the Oracle client 9i because it will not connect if there are parentheses in the PATH variable. So I am currently launching Visual Studio 2005 from DOS. Using server explorer I can set up a connection to the Oracle instance and see the contents just fine. I am connecting with OleDbConnection and send a Connection String beginning with 'Provider=MSDAORA; When I run I catch the following exception: System.InvalidOperationException: The 'MSDAORA' provider is not registered on the local machine. That sounds like the driver was not installed. But then why can I use the driver in Server Explorer.

Oracle Oledb Driver

David Kaiser. I ran into the same problem - Recompiling the project with x86 will work. My connection string - objConnection = New OleDbConnection objConnection.ConnectionString = 'Provider=MSDAORA.1;User ID=' & System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager. How To Install Geoserver On Apache Tomcat. AppSettings( 'USERID' ) & ';PASSWORD=' & System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings( 'PASSWORD' ) & ';Data Source=' & System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings( 'DATASOURCE' ) & ' objConnection.Open() let me know if you still have problems. Alternatively, oracle 8 (or 9i) has x64 based client drivers if you want your application to compile against x64 on x64. Hataraku Maou Sama Ova Sub Indo W. () thanks sriram.

Graphpad Prism 4 For Windows Vista. Figure 1-1 OLE DB Flow OLE DB Data Providers OLE DB data providers are a set of COM components that transfer data from a data source to a consumer. An OLE DB Provider places that data in a tabular format in response to calls from a consumer.

The Oracle Provider for OLE DB ( allows distributed queries on data in Oracle databases. Support for the Oracle Provider for OLE DB is as follows.

Providers can be simple or complex. A provider may return a table, it may allow the consumer to determine the format of that table, and it may perform operations on the data. Each provider implements a standard set of COM interfaces to handle requests from the consumer.

A provider may implement optional COM interfaces to provide additional functionality. With the standard interfaces, any OLE DB consumer can access data from any provider.